2013年5月5日 星期日

A捷寶貝速寫AJETBaby Sketches


Grace Chen is a student from Kaohsiung Girls' Senior High School. She is a tall girl,
with sweet smiles and profound confidence. I was so happy to meet her, a student
in a Second Foreign Language Class. She is also lovely and active in participating in
our program. Before she went to World Youth Meeting in 1998,
she received a brief training.

A捷電子報 0010期

Grace Chen (怡君) 是高雄女中外語班的學生, 個兒高高的, 總是有甜美的笑容,
很有自信的眼神. 初次遇見,讓人覺得她非常可愛,並且很積極參與我們的計畫.
她成為1998年世界青少年會議的台灣代表, 由高師附中的

My impression is that she was capable but modest. She was doing her best in
achieving  projects. In the previous year,1997, we had worked on a
ONE-HUNDRED-SCHOOL project, which was proposed by Japanese partners.
We communicated with Mr. Kageto's high school students. But in 1998,
we started with our local projects studying Shoushan and Banana Paradise.

和日本西陵高校老師 影戶誠 共同進行日本百校計畫,而在A捷開始的年代,

Grace was our first delegate of Taiwan. We were proud of her.


